Thursday, 30 August 2012


hi guys! it's been a while but i had a crazy summer and montreal, and you don't need to hear about all that boring stuff ;)
it's almost fall, which means the cold is coming and it's time to get moving!
leaving to brooklyn and manhattan for the weekend, which means i'm gonna happily gain ten pounds of street food. which is fine, because the next stop will be the grand canyon, although travel plans always change so who knows really?
anyway, this post will be a throwback to last year's travels, with a mexico city post featuring chapulinos (crickets!!)

mexico city is magical. filled with vibrant colors, a plethora of cultures, breathtaking architecture from every epoque, individuality, politics, music, beautiful parks, i could go on forever... basically, it is a city that never sleeps and always dances.

i hadn't eaten any meat except chicken breast for over twnety years, so when we went to the local market and were faced with rows of different sized crickets, i wanted to run. but our guide for the day insisted that chapulinos taste like chips, and oddly enough they did. still, you can feel the legs dangling around as you bite into the torso, so it was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. my travel partner, on the other hand, took full advantage. he loaded up a pork taco with a handful of those little buggers and went at it.

                                            tacos al pastor con chapulinos

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